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PREMIER: Double Feature: Pizza *paired* with Back to the Future

Welcome! Thanks for coming to visit us here at Steam and Stream. To learn more about us and how we roll - go to the "ABOUT" tab in the header! We hope you enjoy our lil' recipes. We post our own original recipes as well as tweek and adapt our favorite from around the web. We also will give you some good TV and movie recommendations, normally every other Thursday (all ones that you can stream from your favorite platforms). So grab your favorite human(s) and get ready for dinner and a movie (:

For our very first post, we are going to keep it simple and easy. Hopefully that's how your Labor Day is going, too!

Pizza is one of our all time favorites. I don't know what it is. Is it the way the cheese melts so effortlessly? Is it the many toppings to choose from or the way the crust crisps? (insert patriotic/inspirational music here). I don't know what it is, alls I know is it's freakin' good!

But if you are cheap and impatient like us i.e. don't want to spend $20 or wait a million years for the dough to rise, you don't have to anymore because I have a secret. Yeah it's actually not a secret but it is something you wouldn't expect to actually work. I tell friends about this recipe every chance I get because it is so dang easy, fast, cheap, and good! Plus, who doesn't love pizza?

Netflix - "Back to the Future" - Why pair pizza with Back to the Future you may ask? Because I love this movie. And what better way to kick off the blog then with one of my favorite foods and one of my favorite movies. My husband is nice enough to watch it with me, even if it is for the gazillionth time. I honestly don't know why I love 80's movies, I just do! Yes, I did have the giant movie poster in my room as a teenager. Those 80's movies and inspirational sport films are the best (shout out to Remember the Titans :') Yes, I am strange. It's fine. If you haven't seen Back to the Future before, heck even if you have, give it a go (again). It'll make you laugh, smile, and possibly quite nostalgic for the good ole days. You'll be singing "Johnny Be Good" and eating pizza all into the night. Could it get any better?

Now, back to the pizza! **no "back to the future" pun intended**

First, preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. If you are using a pizza stone like me, I like for mine stone to preheat with the oven for a better crust.

Cut off about 1.5 feet of parchment paper and lie it on the counter. I cut it to be round after I roll out the dough.

In a medium bowl, combine plain greek yogurt with self-rising flour with a spatula. When the dough starts to clump and it seems relatively combined, dump the contents onto the parchment paper.

You'll want to keep the self-rising flour close by for this part. Use your hands to further combine/knead the dough. As dough feels moist or sticky, sprinkle with the flour. Continue to do this until you have formed a more cohesive dough ball like this:

Sprinkle a rolling pin with the flour and start to flatten the dough to make the crust. Work from the center towards the outer edge. Work it evenly in all directions so that it's round and approximately the same thickness throughout.

Evenly spread out all your ingredients. Spread the pizza sauce onto the crust leave about 1/2 - 1 inch border around edge. Now add the cheese. Now add your toppings evenly. Once you have the pizza ready, carefully slide the parchment paper from the counter onto a cookie sheet (one with flat edges works best for this part) or a pizza stone. Set the cookie sheet/pizza stone on the middle rack in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Let the crust get slightly golden brown and the cheese to brown a bit and melt. Enjoy the cheapest and easiest homemade pizza known to man.

Makes 8 slices - you decide how many that feeds ;)

Total time: 25 minutes


What you need:

  • Parchment paper

  • 1 cup plain greek yogurt

  • 1 cup self-rising flour (not regular unbleached flour)

  • 5-6 Tbsp pizza sauce (pick your favorite!)

  • 1 1/2 - 2 cups mozzarella or Italian blend cheese

  • The goods: pepperoni, italian sausage, shrimp, chicken, beef, ground turkey, sauteed onion and bell pepper, mushrooms (basically whatever you want!)

How to:

  1. Preheat oven to 450 F. Cut off about 1.5 feet of parchment paper and lie it on the counter.

  2. In a medium bowl, combine plain greek yogurt with self-rising flour with a spatula. When the dough starts to clump and it seems relatively combined, dump the contents onto the parchment paper.

  3. Keep the self-rising flour close by for this part - Use your hands to further combine/knead the dough. As dough feels moist or sticky, sprinkle with the flour. Continue to do this until you have formed a more cohesive dough ball.

  4. Sprinkle a rolling pin with the flour and start to flatten the dough to make the crust. Work from the center towards the outer edge. Work it evenly in all directions so that it's round and approximately the same thickness throughout.

  5. Evenly spread out all the ingredients. Spread the pizza sauce onto the crust leave about 1/2 - 1 inch border around edge. Now add the cheese. Now add your toppings evenly.

  6. Once you have the pizza ready, carefully slide the parchment paper from the counter onto a cookie sheet (one with flat edges works best for this part) or a pizza stone.

  7. Set the cookie sheet/pizza stone on the middle rack in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Let the crust get slightly golden brown and the cheese to brown a bit and melt. Let it cool for 5 minutes before slicing.


Thanks for reading and enjoy!

The Fam's


Butter is good.



It's okay to get messy.



Have fun!

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