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Southern 75 cocktail

Southern 75!

Sometimes a beautiful sunset or my favorite team scoring a touchdown calls for a special cocktail. This one is really a “beertail” as a hoppy beer is a key ingredient. We make our own beer so we are probably a tiny bit snobby about brew. That being said, I recommend a hop forward beer for this drink, an IPA for example. Actually I used a local craft beer in this case that is just mildly hoppy and it worked fine. I don’t think a malty beer, like a stout or a porter, would really give you the same vibe. Please no Bud lite……ever!

The flavor oddly enough is not beer or bourbon. It is slightly like a Long Island Ice Tea cocktail in its flavor profile surprisingly enough and packs a similar punch. Easy does it on these. They taste really light and refreshing but, they can sneak up on you! The simple sugar is made with Turbinado sugar which is light brown and gives a more caramel flavor but plain simple syrup made with plain white sugar will work fine. Simple syrup is so simple: in a sauce pan heat equal parts water and sugar until the sugar dissolves. I used a pretty high end bourbon called Blood Oath but, use what you like best. Its not your everyday cocktail but, if your in the mood; wow! Surprise your friends with this one.

Enjoy responsibly.



  • 6 oz. IPA (India Pale Ale) beer

  • 2 oz. Bourbon

  • ¾ oz. Fresh lemon juice

  • ½ oz. Simple syrup

  • Lemon twist


1. Chill a tall glass and add the beer.

2. Place other ingredients, except the lemon twist, in an ice filled shaker.

3. Shake until the shaker is uncomfortably cold to hold.

4. Strain shaker contents into glass with the beer

5. Squeeze lemon wedge over the drink and drop it in

6. Enjoy!


Thanks for reading and enjoy!

The Fam's


Butter is good.



It's okay to get messy.



Have fun!

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